Wednesday, October 12, 2011

These Feet Were Made For Walking

October is off to a fierce start! Saturday, October 1st, I walked in my very first 5K, the Walk 2 End Alzheimer's, to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association. My hubby and kiddies walked with me and we had a blast. My son, Anthony, and I finished the walk (3.1 miles) in 59 minutes. My daughter, Madison, and Hubby were close behind us at an hour and 7 minutes. So far, I have raised $330 towards my goal of $500 for the cause, and more has been promised. Sweet!

As you know, September was my month to participate in Get Up Give Back with Jason Devila and Christa Diehl. I am anxiously awaiting Jase's blog update to read how we all did, now that we've completed our challenge. In the process of waiting for the official results, I uploaded the data from my pedometer to my laptop. For the month of September, I walked a grand total of 150,199 steps. Whoa! That's 66.23 miles; 6,595 calories and 391.4 grams of fat. Go me! It's so rewarding to see how every little bit of movement adds up. I will definitely need to replace my running shoes very soon!

Quick update: I am now down 36 pounds and can wear a size 16 pair of slacks that I've been waiting 4 years to get into. Woot Woot!